Are These Favorite Social Sites Gone For Good? [Infographic]
Since the dawning of Facebook in 2004 in Cambridge there has been an explosion of social media sites wanting to get in on their piece of the pie. Some make it and some don't.
But what has happened to some of the large social sites that we all knew by name? Are they getting ready for a massive resurgence or are they gone for good?
Well as you'll see in the following infographic a few of them are looking like they will be staging a comeback with some in the same niche that they've always been in and others branching off into whole new markets in an attempt to redefine themselves and thrust their names back upon the lips of the masses. Quite soon you may be hearing major buzz on old household names like Friendster, MySpace and Digg as they make their comeback bids.

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7 comments to "Are These Favorite Social Sites Gone For Good? [Infographic]"
Hi, the infographic is quiet good but I don't think so, all of them are going to come back may be Digg can comeback but for others like My Space it is like impossible.
Thanks for sharing
Really awesome post thanks a lot for sharing with us...
This is a nice post, I wasn't really familiar with Friendster because it was not popular in Nigeria. I don't even use both MySpace and Digg that much again.
Anyway, thanks for sharing.
Very nice infographic. Thanks for sharing.
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it was an awesome infographic
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