10 Inspiring Responsive Designed Blogs

This is a guest post by Amy Kirkegaard.

Responsive web design is a web development method that creates the best viewing experience no matter what device is being used - laptop, desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. Blogs with responsive web design use fluid grids to automatically adapt for resolution and image size.

ComputerWorld reports that more people in the United States will access the Internet via mobile devices than through desktop computers or other wired devices by 2015. Bloggers, business owners, and web developers who recognize this trend should create web pages that are easily viewed on multiple devices, making it easier for readers to view the sites on the device of their preference.

responsive blog design

Photo credit: Photos.com

When you create a blog that is responsive, it allows you to create only one blog, rather than creating a separate blog for mobile users. When maintaining your blog and updating information, it makes sense to only manage one set of pages. It also eliminates the need for a separate mobile app. This will keep more money in your pockets since you don't have to hire a developer to write a mobile app.

Here are 10 inspiring blogs that use responsive web design:

  • Clearleft

    Clearleft helps organizations improve their websites by using a wide range of techniques, services, and tools. The site not only uses responsive web design, but as a developer, Clearleft offers responsive web design to their customers. In other words, they practice what they preach.

  • CSS-Tricks

    Looking to ramp up your web design and development? CSS-Tricks offers demos, forums, and a members-only area with video tutorials. The site is loaded with information, yet it’s easy to navigate on any device.

  • The Theme Foundry

    The Theme Foundry designs and sells WordPress templates for use on your own website. If designing a website isn’t one of your favorite things to do, take a look at the themes available for purchase. The templates allow you to spend your time writing great content and running your business.

  • Tattly

    Tattly is a temporary tattoo store for design-minded kids and kids-at-heart. Tattlys are designed by professional artists and printed in the United States. The responsive design makes it easy to shop wherever you are.

  • Oilpro

    Oilpro is an online community of oil and gas professionals. Users create online profiles, then connect with current and former colleagues, companies, and projects. The clean and crisp design makes navigation a breeze, no matter which device the reader uses to access the website.

    responsive design blog

    Photo credit: Oilpro

  • These Are Things

    These Are Things is an illustration studio and paper goods brand headquartered in Brooklyn, New York. The owners craft modern cartographic goods, draw informational illustrations, and write about the business of art. The website's graphics and illustrations are simple yet inspiring, and are easily viewable on any device.

  • Karma

    Karma is a pay-as-you-go pocket-sized WiFi hotspot. Users can earn additional data by sharing the WiFi signal with new users. The redefined dashboard allows you to check your usage and other account information - the responsive design makes this task easy on any device.

  • Web Designer Wall

    Web Designer Wall is the website for Toronto-based web designer and illustrator Nick La. His eye-catching site discusses design ideas and trends, and offers web design tutorials.

  • WritingZone

    WritingZone provides customers with technical documentation services, such as user guides, training materials, and corporate profiles. The site's simple navigation allows the user to access information quickly on any device. The blog highlights technical writing tips, many of which can be applied to other projects.

  • Tech.Pro

    Tech.Pro is a community for technology professionals interested in connecting with peers, advancing their skills, building credibility around their expertise, and exploring exciting new opportunities. The site offers helpful information for developers and offers a place for professionals to ask questions and seek advice from their peers.

If you are planning to update your website soon, or if you will be developing a new site, consider making it responsive. Readers will access your site from different devices depending on their schedule. Perhaps they are sitting in a waiting room at a doctor's office, or maybe waiting in a carpool line. Readers may get frustrated if your site is difficult to read, and may end up taking your site off their reading list.

As you develop your new responsive website, you'll probably want to test it to see how it looks on different devices. Here are several online tools you can use:

The increase in sales of tablets and mobile phones means more people will access the internet while on the go. If you want people to visit your website, and return in the future, you need to have a website that automatically adjusts to the user's device.


About the author
Amy Kirkegaard is a freelance writer who writes on a variety of topics, including social media, online reputation management, and processing credit cards. One way to protect your online reputation is to know how to remove personal information online.

24 comments to "10 Inspiring Responsive Designed Blogs"

John November 13, 2013 at 4:20 AM     1

I just bookmarked, thank you for letting us know about these great sites, Im going to use some of them to improve my sites seo & rankings. I always find something new everyday to use to help improve my blog.

aussieswimstore November 13, 2013 at 7:25 PM     2

Wow. Thanks. We can get a god idea from these.

imyourmeme November 13, 2013 at 8:10 PM     3

another inspiring post, i have been looking for good responsive designs.

Blogs911 November 13, 2013 at 8:11 PM     4

Thanks for this post Lava, I seldom see another article from here..

tips n news November 13, 2013 at 8:18 PM     5

i am bookmarking these articles, thx :)

Responsive design November 13, 2013 at 10:53 PM     6

Nice examples and very inspiring....we are also have switched to responsive design half a year ago...Thanks !

Khairul Zamri November 14, 2013 at 1:53 AM     7

this is great make me jealous and feel to build back my site huhu

Photographer Malaysia November 14, 2013 at 3:51 PM     8

My blog (blogspot) is responsive too ^_^

Emmanuel Mba November 16, 2013 at 8:16 AM     9

Thanks for sharing, that's a good work. Also keep us updated.


Stephen November 18, 2013 at 10:50 AM     10

So, these are awesome. Responsive design should be a requirement and every front end web developer should know. This site had a short article that serves as a kind of introduction to responsive design which might be helpful for all the new comers: http://ezinearticles.com/?Do-I-Need-Responsive-Web-Design-for-My-Website%3F&id=8114631

Raghav November 23, 2013 at 9:21 PM     11

I totally agree, with responsive design you can ensure that visitors actually remain on your site longer and your site is also easily scrollable.. People with less responsive or old styled blogging design tend to lose more visitors that they actually could have

Responsive website designs are very important, infect essential or demand of future and in this scenario your shared sources are very helpful to get new ideas and inspirations of web design blogs. To design a perfect responsive website, everyone need a professional and experienced responsive website designer and developer.

Alexi December 2, 2013 at 5:20 PM     13

There are soo many frameworks out there that exists when it comes to developing a responsive design for websites that adopts according to various devices. But still there are websites that are developed 2-3 time for different devices. Meaning that some sites have a desktop version, mobile version and tab version. This is famous among many popular websites out there. When a user visits the website depending on the type of device that person comes from the website is redirected to a URL that contains a sub-domain, facebook is such a website that has this option. Well I'm not 100% sure why a website like facebook still uses this old method, does this have any advantage comparing to these new frameworks ?

jidetheblogger December 6, 2013 at 7:39 PM     14

Nice post there. my blog, www.ogbongeblog.com is also responsive. It's a Blogger blog though and am the one that coded it to become responsive.

Deepak Kumar December 10, 2013 at 1:08 AM     15

Nice Post Amy. I am also using responsive templates on my blogs. I love responsive designs and use Am I Responsive? website to test and capture my responsive designs. Again, Thanks for the great post.

Bank Hitam December 10, 2013 at 2:31 AM     16

New info for me, keep blogging dude :D

guptaabhijit318 December 16, 2013 at 7:16 PM     17

Wonderful tips. I really learned a lot from yours blog. I appreciate yours Technical way. We can get a good idea from these. I am also using responsive templates on my blogs. Thanks for sharing.

top10backlinkswebsites December 16, 2013 at 9:27 PM     18

I have read your blog in this blog you have shared such a nice and informative information.


Ricky Broad


Tony December 18, 2013 at 5:39 PM     19

Oilpro look very cool.. Nice share buddy.

Showeblogin December 19, 2013 at 1:28 PM     20

I am new in Responsive design. Can you see and make your mind to reply whether it is useful or not. JesResKing, a responsive blogger template.

Unknown December 30, 2013 at 7:29 PM     21

Lovely collection of responsive portfolio. It is the simplest and easiest solution for most businesses, especially ecommerce.

jenifer January 31, 2014 at 5:30 PM     22

Cool these blogs are great list for the responsive web designers. Thanks fro the blog.

Dasy March 6, 2014 at 5:01 PM     23

These blogs looks great, these days responsive design is a good approach to design a website which is simple and very easy to navigate. Many web development companies like Sakshay, are offering this service to design the professional website for the businesses.

Unknown April 24, 2014 at 9:21 PM     24

Very good article

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