Google Author Rank Guide For Guest Bloggers

This is a guest post by Michael Pina.

Google likes high quality results because every time the value of their concepts falls they lose users to Bing. Google’s battle against poor quality content has moved people in the direction of blogging. Guest posting is now a significant SEO tool, but some people still post dubious content, thus compelling Google to come up with Author Rank. This service aims at grading the work of independent bloggers. The rankings they now give enable them to filter out the worst of them. There are various objectives behind the Author Rank concept, such as:

  • It Is Used to Gauge a Blogger’s Ability

    People have utilized PageRank for website grading. Likewise Author Rank can be utilized to judge a guest blogger before he or she posts on your website.

  • Web Blog Owner Considers the Attractiveness of The Guest Poster's Blog First

    If you are a blog owner and you get a request to post from another blog owner, it is vital to gauge his or her blog’s popularity before you consider his/her requests.

  • Huge Traffic Potential for Blog Owners

    If a guest blogger has a good following of trusted followers then this service lets people find his or her posts on your blog. If the guest blogger is a higher ranked author then whenever Google shows a search result, the user gets a “More by …” option, which list all the indexed articles by the author. This provides an incentive for blog owners to have his or her content on their blogs.

  • It Is Concerned With Content & Not With Place Of Content

    Author Rank is judged by the content’s quality and not it’s location. With Author Rank, high quality, trustworthy articles rank higher in search results regardless of where the articles are hosted.

  • Guest Posting Involves Human Touch

    Guest posting is encouraged by Google because less people compromise with their blog's integrity when getting outside content from guest bloggers.

  • It Adds a Profile Picture

    Numerous people see symbols, cartoons and graphics which represent real individuals. A recognizable headshot of a real person goes a long way to add human touch to search results.

Why Proceed With An Authorship With Google?

understand build and improve Google author rank With close to 70% market share in the search engine market, there is simply no other alternative to staying on Google’s list. Organic traffic is the natural flow of visitors for any website or blog. For achieving traffic this way, you need to listen to what Google says.

What are the Benefits?

It supplies more authority because Google+ photo gets branded in the search results which ultimately rises the blog CTR. Another advantage is if a link is clicked upon by a person on the outcomes page and if the visitor goes to your site after which he/she presses “Back” button of the browser, then more results related to your site get generated on the results page. This is how Google interprets that your content has been appreciated and the visitor is willing to read more. For getting an authorship you only need to have your Google+ account attached to your blog.

How is it Calculated?

Like PageRank, the Author Rank would be calculated utilizing a series of pointers that are received by Google. Some of the major ones on which it counts are:

  • PageRank of author’s content
  • Number of comments
  • Number of +1s and shares
  • Number of Google+ circles the author is in
  • Social networking followers
  • Links to high rank authors

How to Build an Author Rank?

  • The first step is content authorship claim. To claim your article:
    1. First you need to link the content to your Google+ profile. This step can be implemented by inserting an anchor tag in the page in the form of:
      <a rel="author" href="Google+_profile_url">Your_name</a>
    2. Then go to your Google+ profile and add a link pointing to the website hosting your article to the “Contributor to” field.
  • For guest bloggers the authorship link tag can be included in the author byline or author bio box at the bottom of the article.
  • If there are several authors creating the website content then each of them needs to do the same process as above, but using their own Google+ profile.  
  • If the authorship claim is successful, Google+ profile link & photo will be added to the post snippet showing up in the SERP.

Summing Up

Getting Author Rank is quite different from building your brand. The critical ways through which it can be achieved are as follows:

  • Start socializing
  • Connect yourselves with social media webmasters
  • Share content on various platforms
  • Utilize Google+ to the fullest
  • Get in touch with top ranked authors
  • Do guest posting on top ranked sites
  • Be active in commenting on social media platforms

About the author
Michael Pina is a passionate tech writer associated with SPINX Inc., a Los Angeles based company. SPINX is providing Web Design and Web Development Solutions to create an online presence to business owners across the globe.

19 comments to "Google Author Rank Guide For Guest Bloggers"

Techybuzzz March 1, 2013 at 12:59 AM     1

Hey Michael

I read a lot of article on this topic but then still had some confusions in mind but after reading this content all my doubts are clear now. Thanks!

Snowmass Vacation Rentals March 6, 2013 at 5:20 PM     2

This is a very nice blog i will be very helpfull for people working for seo its a great article.

boney March 12, 2013 at 2:51 AM     3

Good Article. I have heard about how google is placing importance on the rank of bloggers as the after the penguin update everybody is pushing out content. Ranking is a way for google to show results better in SERP

Anonymous,  March 13, 2013 at 7:06 AM     4

Hi is there a way to measure the strength of your author rank in comparison to other authors?

Emmanuel Obarhua March 14, 2013 at 10:58 AM     5

Hello Michael, I'm glad I took my time on this piece of information. You're good, your article is the third I am reading on author-rank yet it feels like I am just reading it for the first time. Thanks for the clear explanation.


Chrisdeserio March 18, 2013 at 6:55 PM     6

You have proven that you are qualified to write on this topic. The facts that you mention and the knowledge and understanding of these things clearly reveal that you have a lot of experience.

Crto March 25, 2013 at 3:29 PM     7

You have proven that you are qualified to write on this topic. The facts that you mention and the knowledge and understanding of these things clearly reveal that you have a lot of experience.

Mystampedconcrete March 26, 2013 at 8:08 PM     8

I am sick to death of reading Blogs with low quality content and I am so glad that I found your article today. It has certainly cleared a lot of things up for me.

Princeton April 1, 2013 at 2:46 PM     9

Keep on writing because this is the kind of stuff we all need. This Blog deserves far more attention than it is getting right now.

Kellyleis April 1, 2013 at 7:45 PM     10

I am new on this Blog and Your Hub is really valuable to the internet community

Rubber Boot Liners April 4, 2013 at 8:02 PM     11

This is really helpful for guest bloggers. Actually I gained a clear idea about Google guest authorship by reading this article. Keep posting informative things like these.

Hopscotchtc April 8, 2013 at 3:04 PM     12

This is the best advice on this topic and you have tackled it in a noble fashion

Agriflora April 13, 2013 at 10:36 AM     13

A key question, I think . . .

In the case of Blogger, does the tag
need to be individually on each post or just once in the template?

Rujacksalad Blog April 13, 2013 at 3:34 PM     14

Google author rank is very useful for getting good SEO, or you can submit article to get author rank.

Greenlava April 15, 2013 at 10:55 PM     15

@Alberto Rodriguez
If the blog has only one author, add it to the template.

Google Author Rank May 21, 2013 at 2:11 AM     16

I have used Google authorization and this is very good for blog.

Landon Lourell July 4, 2013 at 4:37 AM     17

Google + and Google Rel author are a must have in 2013 SEO post Panda and Penguin Google Slaps. The days of SEO who ever has the most links wins is dead. It's all about quality of links and where those links are coming from. The Guest Post with a rel=author contribution combats duplicate content issues, give credibility, improves CTR from SERPS, and Google rankings usually go up a rank or two when the website utilizes the markups ( which include rel=author).

In 2013, make sure your own sites all have the Google+ and add your Google+ url in all bylines of guest posting.

It is quality over quantity. Make sure your blog posts have images, use header tags h3's site sources with a link ( use rel=nofollow" ) and be informative and always come back to comment and be interactive. A guest post without the guest involved in the comment discussion is a sure sign of....

Professional Photo Editing September 29, 2013 at 4:41 AM     18

nice article. it explains all.

Zach December 14, 2013 at 3:40 AM     19

Interesting, I did not know that Author Rank allows you to have authority and rank your articles regardless of where they are hosted. I think that is a good thing because so many are guest posting these days.

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