How to reset corrupted Blogger Blog Posts template
So you finally did it! You’ve managed to tweak your Blog post gadget template to the point where it is starting to behave or function strangely. Now the most important and complex part of your blog is all messed up -the date stamp is missing, the post footer disappeared, the comments section looks weird, the comment link is nowhere to be found etc.
You’ve tried adjusting the settings in Blog Posts gadget configuration page, but nothing worked. It seems your blog is corrupted beyond repair. You wish you could just reset the template and start over.
Well, you can. You can easily restore the corrupted Blog post template to its original condition in just a few steps. However, bear in mind that resetting the template will also remove other changes you’ve made to the template such as auto read more, Facebook Like button, Twitter Tweet button etc. But hey, if could add them once you could probably add them again.
Here we go,
- Go to Template > Edit HTML > Proceed.
- Make sure the Expand Widget Templates check box is UNCHECKED.
- Find the following line in your HTML code:
'Blog Posts'
- Change the ID from
. It’s as easy as that. What this step does is removing the corrupt Blog Posts gadget (Blog1) and replacing it with a fresh new gadget (Blog2). - Click SAVE TEMPLATE button to save.
- You will be asked whether to keep the widget or delete it. Choose delete by clicking the DELETE WIDGETS button.
- View your blog. The post gadget should by now revert to default template -fully functioning and free of any changes.
Now you can start tweaking the template again and re-adding the add-ons that were once in there. However, do remind yourself to be more careful this time around :)
40 comments to "How to reset corrupted Blogger Blog Posts template"
Thanks guys! Can you tell us how to validate the blogger template? Mine has too many errors!
Love the way you've written this .. "you finally did it!" etc. Very nice ;-)
@Ayush Chand
Try this link: W3C Validating Blogger XHTML Template - Blog Validation Errors
Good job
great share too.
saw your "supporters list"...i may not be donating financially, but i had you linked to my blogs. maybe worth a notice? ;)
see them here
life round meNyou
I notice that...thank you. Any form of support is appreciated and welcomed :)
goooooooooddddddddddddthanks for sahre thnaks admin
very good info, thanks for sharing it
Yet another useful post which worked for me.
My comments link had suddenly vanished and I had spent so much wasted time on Google looking for help and voila I found it on your site.
God Bless. :)
thanks for this trick...
its only work for blogspot user, right?
Yes that's right, this is only applicable for Blogger/blogspot.
My "older/Newer posts" link is missing.
I attempted this choice, I also attepted "Revert back to default" and that didn't do it either.
I tried inserting the code that shows up on all the Tips/Tricks site and those didn't work either.
I am at a loss.
my site is
any ideas?
Actually the blog pager is still there in your template, but it's hidden. To unhide, go to Design > Edit HTML, find and remove this CSS code:
#blog-pager {
I have been trying to fix this for like 3 months now, and yours is the ONLY suggestion that worked. I am so happy right now. :) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Thanks so much! Went looking everywhere for the answer and it worked! The post repeated itself, having a custom template can be very frustrating :P
Major thanks for the article post. Will read on…
Templates are pretty awesome and well designed. Definitely like to work with them.
Nice templates, I would surely like to use some of them in my next blogs and check the working of them.
This solution works ok in old version of blogger, if you work with draft, change of id crash when you save. You need to move to clasic mode and change this there.
Later you can return without any problem.
Thanks from
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Your post made my day from being upside down because of the blogging problem I encountered 2 days ago. I became sleepless because my post was doubled and it so annoying reading my post in that problematic situation.
Thank you very very much for this blog post. Thumbs up!
OMG I have spent all day so far trying to see what I did wrong when I changed my template. That was so easy - thank you SO MUCH!!
Thanks for your helpful info.
A little extra tidbit... I could only do it via the "Old Interface."
Thank you very much. I was working to start a new blog because I could reset the blog to default layout. But this one did the job. Thank you ..
Thank you very much. This was useful for me as I have a customized template.
I cannot change my number of post in my blog,i change it to 6,10 but it still showing 2 posts on my web page,Please help me out,i don't what should i do,???
@Sahil khan
That's due to Blogger auto-pagination. It automatically limits the number of posts displayed on homepage depending on the posts' size. Bigger sizes mean fewer posts on homepage.
You can solve this by adding Blogger jump break to posts.
Thanks its really help i done it with ease
Thanks.... you saved my blog... love you!!!
thank u! It worked!!
Thank you it was very helpful for me... I thought that my blog is finished
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
Thanks! you help me a lot
Thanks a just saved me from a big mess.
I have been trying almost a year now to fix my comment reply. Others could reply in my comment section but I couldn't reply to them. By doing this tutorial, I was FINALLY able to fix it. Thank you so much!
salam bro...x menjadi la...comment link kat blog aku tetap x muncul...
trima kasih...
@Noh Kodiang
For your particular problem please refer to Removing double (duplicate) blog posts in Blogger, case no.1.
well, it still didnt work.
the comment link still doesnt show up.
@Noh Kodiang
Cuba check Settings > Posts and comments > Comment Location
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