Archive » November 2010

Add Twitter tweet button to Blogger posts

Add Twitter tweet button to Blogger posts
This time we will show you how to add the official Twitter tweet button to each Blogger post. This button will let people share your posts w... see more »

How to mass unfollow on Twitter using ManageFlitter

How to mass unfollow on Twitter using ManageFlitter
You have your own reasons for wanting to unfollow. Maybe you want to lose those hyperactive Twitter users who are hijacking your timeline by... see more »

10 Tips for Writing Better Blog Posts

10 Tips for Writing Better Blog Posts
This is a guest post by James Adams. Building a successful blog is one of the most challenging endeavors a writer can embark upon, but it... see more »

Facebook share showing wrong description –solved!

Facebook share showing wrong description –solved!
Normally, when you share a blog post on Facebook, it would pull the first few lines of the post and use it as content description (a.k.a. sn... see more »